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Four Toddler Art Trays to Try

Here are four art trays to try. Littles get to have fun experimenting with art materials while refining their fine and gross motor...

Our Favorite Pumpkin Paint

Looking for awesome paint for pumpkin painting? Here is a good one for everyone in your family to use!

DIY Frosting Dough

Here’s another fun Halloween activity for ages 2+: Frosting Halloween dough! We used ours to make monsters.

Toddler Pumpkin Science Activity

Pumpkin volcanos, pumpkin potions, pumpkin magic - whatever you choose to call them for your little, this is a fun and memorable science...

DIY Glow Sensory Rice

To go along with our Emotion Monsters Activity Bundle, we created DIY Glow Rice for our Monster Party Sensory Table! You can find more...

Monster Party Glow Sensory Table

Throughout the year, I create sensory tables for our little one to enjoy to tie into topics we are learning at home together.

5 Ways to Celebrate Love Day with a Baby

We have always liked to refer to Valentine's Day as Love Day. Primarily because it reminds us that Love Day is a day to remind ourselves to

Seasonal Window Clings for Toddlers

A fun, easy, and inexpensive, seasonal activity for toddlers? Window clings! We always get ours from our local Dollar Store. They always...

Spring gardening at 29 Months Old

One thing I look forward to each Spring, is planting with our little one. We started planting with her when she was a year old. Being...

DIY Ikea Flisat Sensory Table Insert

If you have had an Ikea Flisat Sensory Table for quite some time or if you are new to the accessories which can be purchased for the...

Our Top 10 Fall Books for Toddlers

Fall is near! How very exciting. As such, we'd like to share with you some of our two year old's favorite fall books.

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